1. Bellin J. (1775). Carte reduite des iles antilles. Carte reduite des debouquements de St. Domingue . David Rumsey Historical Map Collection (12059.105) Stanford Libraries Stanford CA United States.
2. Faden W. (1784). A chart of the Antilles or Charibbee or Caribs Islands with the VirginIsles . Library of Congress Geography and Map Division (G5000 1784.D4) Washington DC United States.
3. Heather, W. (1795). A new and improved chart of the west India or Carribbee Islands. Norman B. Leventhal Map Collection.
4. Hester, C., Bishop, R., & Bradshaw, C. (1782). The compleat pilot for the Leeward Islands. Sayer and Bennett.
5. Jefferys T. (1775). The Caribbee Islands the Virgin Islands and the Isle of Porto Rico. David Rumsey Historical map Collection (4723.019) Stanford Libraries Stanford CA United States.