1. Design and development of western-style Nigerian apparel
2. Investigating women's plus-size body measurements and hip shape variation based on SizeUSA data
3. Female Apparel Consumers’ Understanding of Body Size and Shape
4. Bain, M. 2016a. “‘Plus-Size’ Is a Meaningless Term, and Brands Should Start to Do Away with It.” Quartz Media, May 18. https://qz.com/680850/plus-size-is-an-alienating-term- and-brands-should-start-to-do-away-with-it/
5. Bain, M. 2016b. “The Average American Woman Is Now ‘Plus-Size,’ But Stores Still Don’t Stock Clothes for Her.” Quartz, September 22. https://qz.com/787322/the-average-american-woman-is-now-plus-size-but-stores-still-dont-stock-clothes-for-her/