1. BOURLIÈRE, M. P. and VFRSCHUREN, J. 1960. Exploration Parc National Albert. Bruxelles. Introduction a L'ecologie des ongules du Parc National Albert. 159 pp.
2. Buss, I. O. 1959. Elephant census—Ill. Uganda Wild Life and Sport 1 (5): Unpaged reprint.
3. MABERLY, C. T. A. 1963. The game animals of southern Africa, Johannesburg, Nelson.
4. NICHOLSON, B. D. 1955. The African elephant. S. Afr. Wild Life, 9(1): 31–40.
5. Roberts, A. 1951. The mammals of South Africa. Johannesburg, Trustees of "the Mammals of South Africa" book fund.