1. J. Krippendorf, The holiday makers: understanding the impact of leisure and travel, Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1989, p. 117.
2. E. Karpodini-Dimitriadi, 'Developing cultural tourism in Greece', in M. Robinson & P. Boniface (eds) Tourism and cultural conflicts, Wallingford: CABI, 1999, pp. 121-122.
3. M. Thomas-Penette, Les itinéraires culturels, Paris: Actes Sud, 1997; Cultural routes: the Santiago de Compostela pilgrim mutes, COE leaflet, Strasbourg: COE.
4. COE, Report: Cultural routes, history of the project (1987-1996), CC. Cult (96) 8, Strasbourg: COE, 1996.
5. C. Young, 'Hadrian's Wall: striking the balance', circulated paper, English Heritage, 1996.