1. A. Thwaite (ed.) Selected letters of Philip Larkin, London: Faber and Faber, 1992, p. 174; D. Spooner, 'Reflections on the place of Larkin', Area, Vol. 32, Na 2, 2000, pp. 209-216.
2. Guardian, 2 January 1999, p. 23.
3. C. Lazenby & D.J. Starkey, 'Altered images: representing the trawling in the late twentieth century', in DJ. Starkey, C. Reid & N. Ashcroft (eds) England's sea fisheries: the commercial sea fisheries of England and Wales since 1300, London: Chatham, 2000.
4. R. Robinson, Trawling: the rise and fall of the British trawl industry, Exeter: Exeter University Press, 1996.
5. J-A. Burgess, 'Image and identity', Occasional Paper in Geography 23, Hull: Department of Geography, University of Hull, 1978; D. Spooner,T. Karran, M. Elliott-White & N. Davidson, The image of Hull: a research profile, Hull: University of Hull, 1995; D. Spooner, 'Eliminate the negative: image enhancement in a northern British city', paper presented at the Regional Studies Association Conference "Regional Potential in an Integrating Europe', Bilbao, 1999.