1. B. Boyd, M. Cotter, W. O'Connor & D. Sattler. 'Cognitive ownership of heritage places: social construction and cultural heritage management' in S. Ulm, I. LiIIey & A. Ross (eds) Australian archaeology '95: Proceedings of the 1995 Australian Archaelogical Association Annual Conference. St Lucia:Tempus, 1996, pp. 123-140; A.L., Brown, 'Amplifying the voices of all Americans: ethnography, interpretation and innclusiveness', Cultural Resource Management, vol. 23, No. 7, 2001, pp. 15-16; G.C. Rothrock, 'A tale of two comnunities: community involvement in preservation planning'. Cultural Resource Management, Vol. 23, No. 7, 2000, pp. 23-26.
2. T. Darvill, Ancient monuments in the countryside: an archaeological management review, London: English Heritage, 1987; J. Hunter & I. Ralston (eds) Archaeological resource at the UK: an introduction, Phoenix Mill: Allen Sunon, 1993; M. Pearson & S. Sullivan, Looking after heritage places, Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1995; T.F. King, Cultural resource lout and practice: an introductory glade, Walnut Creek, CA: AItaMira, 1998.
3. L. Smith, 'Heritage management as postprocessual archaeology?'. Antiquity, Vol. 68, 1994, pp. 300 309.
4. Ibid.; see also L Smith, 'Towards a theoretical overview for heritage management', Archaeological Review from Cambridge, Vol. 12, 1993, pp. 55-75; L. Smith, 'Archaeology and the governance of material culture: a case study from south-eastern Australia', Norwegian Archaeological Review, Vol. 34, No. 2, 2001, pp. 97-105.
5. Ibid., 2001, p. 102.