1. Resolutions and declarations of the 5th European Conference of Ministers responsible for the Cultural Heritage, Portoroz, Slovenia, 6-7 April 2001.
2. This study is derived partly from the findings of a research project involving a sample of thirteen countries conducted in association with the Council of Europe and subsequently published in R. Pickard (ed.). Policy and lato in heritage conservation, Conservation of the European Built Heritage Series, London: Spon Press, 2001. A corresponding study was published in R. Pickard, Management of historic centres, Conservation of the European Built Heritage Series, London: Spon Press, 2001.
3. Ministry of Environment and Energy, National Forest and Nature Agency (1995): InterSAVE: International Survey of Architectural Values in the Environment.
4. M.A. Férault, Les zones de protection du patrimoine architectural, urbain et paysager (ZPPAUP), presented at ZPPAUP et Dynamiques Territorials Colloque, Lyon, France, 6-8 December 2001.
5. Council of Europe, Core data index to historic buildings and monuments of the architectural heritage, Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 1995 (further Guidance on inventory and documentation of cultural heritage will be published in 2002); Los Angeles: Getty Information Institute, Documenting the cultural heritage, Getty Information Institute, 1998.