1. Ayer, Mrs. Edward E. 1965 The Memorial of Fray Alonso de Benavides, 1630. Reprint. Horn and Wallace, Albuquerque.
2. Boyd, Douglas K., Jay Peck, Steve A. Tomka, and Karl W. Kibler 1993 Data Recovery at Justiceburg Reservoir (Lake Alan Henry), Garza and Kent Counties, Texas: Phase III, Season 2. Reports of Investigations, Number 88. Prewitt and Associates, Inc. Austin, Texas.
3. Boyd, Douglas K., Jay Peck, Steve Al. Tomka, Karl W. Kibler, and Martha Doty Freeman 1994 Data Recovery at Lake Alan Henry (Justiceburg Reservoir), Garza and Kent Counties, Texas: Phase III, Season 3. Reports of Investigations, Number 93. Prewitt and Associates, Inc. Austin, Texas.