1. Steam Explosion of the SoftwoodPinus Radiatawith Sulphur Dioxide Addition. I. Process Optimisation
2. Effect of Sulphur Dioxide and Sulphuric Acid on Steam Explosion of Aspenwood
3. Brooks, R. E., Su, T. M., Brennan, J. M., Frick, J. and Lynch, M. 1979. General Electric Company. Final report to United States Department of Energy. Contract No. EG-77-C-02–4147
4. Su, T. M., Lamed, R. J., Lobos, J., Brennan, M., Smith, J. F., Tabor, D. and Brooks, R. 1980. General Electric Company. Final report to United States Dept of Energy. Subcontract No. XR-9–8271-1