1. Department of Education, Environmental Learning Research Centre, Rhodes University, Makhanda/Grahamstown, South Africa;
2. International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada;
3. African Climate and Development Initiative, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa;
4. WWF-South Africa, Hilton, South Africa;
5. Living Lands, Cape Town, South Africa;
6. Independent Researcher, Hilton, South Africa;
7. Endangered Wildlife Trust, Johannesburg, South Africa;
8. Environmental and Rural Solutions, Matatiele, South Africa;
9. Centre for International Cooperation in Development-Oriented Agronomical Research (CIRAD), Plant Populations and Bioaggressors in Tropical Ecosystems Joint Research Unit (UMR PVBMT), La Réunion, France;
10. Independent Researcher, Cape Town, South Africa;
11. Commonland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;
12. BirdLife South Africa, Cape Town, South Africa