1. The influences of socio‐individual determinants and health information seeking on health‐promoting behaviors among migrant women: A cross‐sectional study
2. The Association Between Age and Health Literacy Among Elderly Persons
3. Leveraging epidemiological principles to evaluate Sweden’s COVID-19 response
4. Evaluating COVID-19 Public Health Messaging in Italy: Self-Reported Compliance and Growing Mental Health Concerns
5. Bartelink, V., Tynelius, P., Walander, A., Burström, B., Ponce de Leon, A., Nederby Öhd, J., Hergens, M. P. & Lager, A. (2020). Socioekonomiska faktorer och covid-19 i Stockholms län [Socioeconomic factors and covid-19 in Stockholm County]. Centre for Epidemiology and Community Medicine, Region Stockholm. https://www.ces.regionstockholm.se/globalassets/verksamheter/forskning-och-utveckling/centrum-for-epidemiologi-och-samhallsmedicin/folkhalsoguiden/rapporter-och-faktablad/rapport-2020.10-socioekonomiska-faktorer-och-covid-19-i-stockholms-lan_november-2020_.pdf