1. Audretsch, H. (ed.) (1986) Supervision in European Community Law, New York: Elsevier.
2. Azzi, Giuseppe Ciavarini (ed.) (1985) The Implementation of Community Law by the Member States, Maastricht: European Institute of Public Administration.
3. Bennett, Graham (ed.) (1991) Air Pollution Control in the European Community: Implementation of the EC Directives in the Twelve Member States, London: Graham & Trotman.
4. Börzel, Tanja A. (forthcoming) On Environmental Leaders and Laggards in the European Union. Why There is (not) a Southern Problem, London: Ashgate.
5. Commission of the European Communities (1984) First Annual Report to the European Parliament on Commission Monitoring of the Application of Community Law - 1983, COM (84) 181 final, Brussels: Commission of the European Communities.