1. A phenomenology of whiteness
2. Baltra-Ulloa, A. J. (2018). Speaking of care from the periphery: The politics of caring from the post-colonial margins. In B. Pease, A. Vreugdenhil, & S. Stanford (Eds.), The critical ethics of care (pp. 129–138). Routledge.
3. Baltra-Ulloa, A. J., Vincent, K., & Holla, C. (2019). A relational pedagogy: A Young-MILE in our decolonising social work practice journey. In S. Nipresss, & C. Williams (Eds.), Critical multicultural practice (pp. 163–176). Allen & Unwin.
4. “It’s about Building a Network of Support”: Australian Service Provider Experiences Supporting Refugee Survivors of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
5. The role of the bilingual/bicultural worker in dementia education, support and care