1. Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Health and the Environment of the House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce, 100th Cong, 1st sess (1987) (testimony of William N. Taylor, MD), in Medical Devices and Drug Issues, Government Printing Office, 1987, pp 13–17
2. Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Health and the Environment of the House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce, 100th Cong, 1st sess (1987) (testimony of Robert O. Voy, MD, on behalf of the US Olympic Committee), in Medical Devices and Drug Issues, Government Printing Office, 1987, pp 11–13
4. Taylor WN: Hormonal Manipulation: A New Era of Monstrous Athletes. Jefferson, NC, McFarland & Co, Inc, 1985, p 103