1. “Technical Foundations of TRIGA,” GA-471, General Atomic (1958).
2. “TRIGA Nuclear Reactors,” General Atomics; https://www.ga.com/triga/ (accessed Mar. 10, 2021).
3. S. A. VOSS, “Snap Reactor Overview,” AFWL-TN-84-14, Air Force Weapons Laboratory (1984).
4. “Summary Report of HTRE No. 3 Nuclear Excursion,” (1965); https://www.osti.gov/biblio/4643464 (current as of June 7, 2021).
5. G. THORNTON and B. BLUMBERG, “ANP HTREs Fulfill Test Goals,” Nucleonics (1961); https://www.osti.gov/biblio/4120083 (current as of June 7 2021).