1. B. DAVISON and R. PEIERLS, “Density Distribution near a Point Source,” MS 76, University of Birmingham (1943).
2. R. E. MARSHAK and W. SEIDEL, “Milne’s Problem for a Sphere,” MT-49, National Research Council, Montreal Laboratory (1944).
3. J. C. MARK, “The Spherical Harmonic Method, I. General Development of the Theory,” MT-92, National Research Council, Montreal Laboratory (1944).
4. J. C. MARK, “The Spherical Harmonic Method, II. (Application to Problems with Plane & Spherical Symmetry),” MT-97, National Research Council, Montreal Laboratory (1945).
5. Angular distribution due to an isotropic point source and spherically symmetrical eigensolutions of the transport equation (MT-112)