1. Howard Barrel is the Political Editor of the Mail & Guardian based at the South African parliament in Cape Town. A member of the African National Congress in the 1980s, he has written extensively on the affairs and perspectives of South Africa's former liberation movement. He was awarded a D Phil by the Oxford University in 1994 for his thesis entitled‘Conscripts to their Age’: African National Congress operational strategy, 1976–1986
2. Such as journalist turned businessman Thami Mazwai.
3. 1990. Interview with Mac Maharaj. National Executive Committee member of the ANC, Johannesburg
4. Mbeki, T. 19–22 April 1997. 19–22 April, The African Renaissance, South Africa and the World, address at the United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan, 9 April 1998; Address to the 2nd Southern Africa International Dialogue on Smart Partnership for the Generation of Wealth, Swakopmund, Namibia, 27 July 1998; The African Renaissance: Statement of Deputy President, Gallagher Estate, Johannesburg. 13 August 1998; Address by Executive Deputy President to the summit of the Corporate Council of Africa entitledAttracting capital to Africa. Chantilly, Virginia, US
5. Mbeki, T. 11 October 1999. 11 October, Speech at the launch of the African Renaissance Institute, Pretoria