1. Acta Facultatis Artium Universitatis Sanctiandree, 1413–1588. Ed. Annie I.Dunlop.Edinburgh: Scottish History Society, 1964.
2. Advisory Group on Tackling Sectarianism in Scotland. Independent Advice to Scottish Ministers and Report on Activity 9 August 2012 – 15 November 2013. Edinburgh: The Scottish Government, 2013http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Resource/0044/00440386.pdf (Accessed 16 May, 2014).
3. Boyle, Leonard E. ‘Aspects of Clerical Education in Fourteenth-century England’. In Pastoral Care, Clerical Education and Canon law, 1200–1400, ed. Leonard E.Boyle, 19–32. London: Variorum, 1981.
4. Burns, J.H.Scottish Churchmen and the Council of Basle. Glasgow: John S. Burns & Sons, 1962.