1. NEUROFARBA, University of Florence, Florence, Italy
2. ASL Roma 1, Mental Health Department, Addiction Unit, Rome, Italy
3. No Profit Association AND-Gambling and New Addictions, Gallarate, Italy
4. Mental Health and Addiction Department (SER.DP) AUSL, National Health Service, Piacenza, Italy
5. National Health System Addictions Clinic, AULSS2, Treviso, Italy
6. ALEA - Association for the study of gambling and risky behaviours, Italy
7. S.S.D Behavioral Addiction, Department of Addictions, ASL città di Torino, Italy
8. GRUPPO LOGOS Salerno, Italy
9. UFC SerD Zona 1 Firenze, Azienda USL Toscana Centro, Florence, Italy
10. Gruppo Incontro, Pistoia, Italy
11. Center for Gambling Studies, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA