1. Advance HE 2021. Education for sustainable development guidance. Available from: https://membershipresources.qaa.ac.uk/s/article/Education-for-Sustainable-Development-Guidance; http://www.advance-he.ac.uk/teaching-and-learning/education-sustainable-development-higher-education.
2. Advance HE, 2023a. Professional standards framework for teaching and supporting learning in higher education 2023. York: Advance HE.
3. Advance HE 2023b. Professional standards framework (PSF 2023). Available from: https://www.advance-he.ac.uk/teaching-and-learning/psf.
4. Advance HE and QAA 2021. Strategy 2021–24: helping HE shape its future. Available from: https://www.advance-he.ac.uk/about-us/advance-he-strategy-2021-2024.
5. ‘You end up doing the document rather than doing the doing’: Diversity, race equality and the politics of documentation