1. Court cases
2. Criminal Revision 276 of 2015, Republic v Moses Kuria [2016] eKLR, http://kenyalaw.org/caselaw/cases/view/118334
3. Petition 206 of 2018. Bloggers Association of Kenya (BAKE) v Attorney General, Speaker, National Assembly, Inspector General of the National Police Service & Director of Public Prosecutions; Article 19 East Africa & Kenya Union of Journalists (Interested Parties) [2018] eKLR http://kenyalaw.org/caselaw/cases/view/159286
4. Petition 206 of 2019. Bloggers Association of Kenya (BAKE) v Attorney General, Speaker, National Assembly, Inspector General of the National Police Service & Director of Public Prosecutions; Article 19 East Africa & Kenya Union of Journalists (Interested Parties) [2020] eKLR. http://kenyalaw.org/caselaw/cases/view/191276/.
5. Petition 284 & 353 of 2019 (Consolidated), Senate of the Republic of Kenya, Speaker of the Senate, Senate Majority Leader, Senate Minority Leader & Council of County Governors v Speaker of the National Assembly & National Assembly of Kenya; Attorney General, Kenya Medical Supplies Authority, Institute for Social Accountability, Mission for Essential Drugs & Supplies, Katiba Institute, Pharmaceutical Society of Kenya, Elias Murundu & Commission on Revenue Allocation(Interested Parties) [2020] eKLR). http://kenyalaw.org/caselaw/cases/view/202549/