1. Beltran, Luis R. (1976), “Alien Premises, Objects and Methods in Latin American Communication Research,” in Rogers (ed.) Communication and Development, 1976.
2. Farmer, Richard (1980), in an interview with Edward B. Fieske, (see New York Times, February 24,1980,Fieske’s article on “Problems Arise as Colleges Recruit Students Overseas”).
3. Feliciano, Gloria D. (1973), “The Status of Mass Communication Education in the Philippines,” a position paper presented for the Philippines Social Science Council, October 1973.
4. Fieske, Edward B. (1980), “Problems Arise as Colleges Recruit Students Overseas,” in New York Times, February 24,1980.
5. Fuller (1980), as quoted in Fieske’s article on “Problems Arise as Colleges Recruit Students Overseas,” New York Times, February 24, 1980.