1. Differential Accumulation of I131 from Local Fallout in People and Milk
2. Thompson, G. D.C. October 1962.“Utah's Experience with Radioactive Milk,”October, 17 a joint report by the Utah State Dept. of Health and the Salt Lake City Dept. of Health
3. 20–27 August 1963.Congressional Fallout Hearings, 20–27 August, 915–1082. U. S. Government Printing Office. for the report of Harold Knapp; pp. 601–672 and 1113–1123 for the testimony of Eric Reiss and the St. Louis Committee for Nuclear Information; pp. 536–563 and 1111–1112 for the testimony of Charles W. Mays. (An excellent summary of the Knapp Report appeared inNature 202:534–537 (1964.) The CNI testimony also appeared inNuclear InformationAug. 1963