1. Peachy WS 2012b. The Evaluation of Writing in University English Preparatory Programs: Two Universities of Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Paper presented at the 3rda Black Sea ELT Conference in the School of Foreign Languages, Ondokuz Mayis University, Sam-sun, Turkey, November 15 to 17, 2012.
2. Peachy WS 2014. Attitudes of Faculty in Academic Units Unconnected to Foreign Language Instruction towards their Preparatory English Program: The Case of Duzce University. Paper Presented at the EJER Congress in Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey, April 24 to 26, 2014.
3. Richards JC 2001. Curriculum Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
4. TC Law No. 6569, 2014, Article 28, on the Amendment of certain laws and decrees of the Turkish Presidency of Health Institutes, Law No. 6569, Accepted on: 19/11/2014,Official Gazette Number: 29187, Wednesday 26 November 2014. (in Turkish)
5. European Standards in Russian Higher Education and the Role of English: a case study of the National University of Science and Technology, Moscow (MISiS)