1. White, Emily, "Revolution Girl Style Now." Rock She Wrote: Women Write About Rock, Pop and Rap. Ed, Evelyn McDonnell and Ann Powers. New York: Dell Publishers, 1995, 396-408.
2. Coates, Norma. "(R)evolution Now? Rock and the Political Potential of Gender." Sexing the Groove: Popular Music and Gender. Ed. Sheila Whiteley. New York: Routledge, 1997. 50-64.
3. Cohon, Sara. "Men Making a Scene: Rock Music and the Production of Gender." Sexing the Groove: Popular MUSK and Gender. Ed. Sheila Whiteley. New York: Routledge, 1997. 17-36.
4. Frith, Simon. Sound Effects: Youth, Leisure and the Politic of Rock'n'Roll. New York; Pantheon Books, 1981.
5. Gottlieb, Joanne, and Gayle Wald. "Smells Like Teen Spirit: Revolution and Women in Independent Rock." Microphone Friends: Youth Music and Youth Culture. Ed. Andrew Ross and Tricia Rose. New York: Routledge, 1904, 250-74.