1. ‘Sinn der Welt’: Max Weber and the Problem of Theodicy
2. Ahram Online. “Muslim Brotherhood Defends Stance on Mohamed Mahmoud Clashes.” November 24, 2013. https://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/1/64/87351/Egypt/Politics-/Muslim-Brotherhood-defends-stance-on-Mohamed-Mahmo.aspx.
3. Akhbar El yom TV. Al-Sīsī Yuṭālib al-Miṣriyyiīn al-i’ḥtishād Liminḥat Tafwīḍ Limuwājahhat al-Irhāb w-Alʿunf al-Muḥtamal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGBaoh3DeNM, 2013.
4. Upended Path: The Rise and Fall of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood