1. Bae, JH and Lee, HO. A study of microbial profile modification. Proc 5th Int Conf on Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery and Related Biotechnology for Solving Environmental Problems. Edited by: Bryant, R and Sublette, KL. pp.375–388. Springield, VA: National Technical Information Services.
2. Bailey, SA, Bryant, RS, Stepp, AK and Duncan, KE. Microbial polymer system creates barrier for containment of contaminants in soil and groundwater. Proc 4th Int Petroleum Environmental Conf. September9–12, San Antonio, TX. Edited by: Sublette, KL. (in press)
3. Pretest studies for a microbially enhanced oil recovery field pilot in a hypersaline oil reservoir
4. Evaluation of Microbial Systems in Porous Media for EOR
5. Microbially Enhanced Oil Recovery Field Pilot, Payne County, Oklahoma