1. Akcamete, G. and Kargin, T. paper presented at the5th Annual Conference of Special Education. Ankara, Turkey. Isitme engellilerin egitiminde erken egitim programlarinin etkililiginin incelenmesi [The effectiveness of early intervention programs in the education of children with hearing impairments],
2. Atvur, C., Ozyurek, M., Kircaali‐Iftar, G., Sucuoglu, B., Davasligil, U. and Ergenc, H. paper presented at theMeeting of the International Conference on Special Education: Interaction and Collaboration. Antalya, Turkey.Kücük Adımlar Projesi uygulamalarinin degerlendirilmesi ve yayginlastirma onerileri[Evaluating the Small Steps Project and suggestions for widening the practices],