1. Sco-Kohnstamm Institute University of Amsterdam
2. University of Groningen
To test the validity of the Literary Response Questionnaire (lrq, Miall & Kuiken, 1995b) and to assess its relationships with student, home-background, and school-related variables, the lrq was administered to Dutch students in grades 7, 8, and 9. The seven first-order factors of the lrq, as identified by Miall and Kuiken {1995b), were confirmed. One of the two second-order factors was not identified. However, a model with two different second-order factors fitted the data. Trance, the first factor, represents the degree to which a reader is absorbed in a story. Literary Interpretation, the second factor, represents the degree to which a reader likes or dislikes literary criticism and reflection on the meaning of what is read. Grade, gender, type of education, vocabulary size, reading behavior, and cultural level of the home environment were the best predictors of the literary response scores. Results are discussed in relation to response theories and research and to literary education.
Linguistics and Language,Language and Linguistics,Education
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