1. O-Lattice calculation of an F.C.C.–B.C.C. interface
2. Cahn, R. W. Proceedings, Materials Research Society Symposium. High-Temperature Ordered Intermetallic Alloys II. Edited by: Stoloff, N. S., Koch, C. C., Liu, C. T. and Izumi, O. Vol. 81, pp.27Pittsburgh, PA: MRS.
3. The order-disorder transformation in Ni3Al and Ni3AlFe alloys—I. Determination of the transition temperatures and their relation to ductility
4. Carro, G., Bertero, G. A., Wittig, J. E. and Flanagan, W. F. Proceedings, Materials Research Society Symposium. High-Temperature Ordered Intermetallic Alloys III. Edited by: Liu, C. T., Taub, A. I., Stoloff, N. S. and Koch, C. C. Vol. 133, pp.535Pittsburgh, PA: MRS.
5. Analysis of γ′/γ equilibrium in Ni−Al−X alloys by the