1. 1724. Onania; or, The heinous sin of self-pollution, and all its frightful consequences, in both sexes, considered. [electronic resource]: With spiritual and physical advice to those, who have already injur'd themselves by this abominable practice.: And seasonable admonition to the youth (of both sexes) and those whose tuition they are under, whether parents, guardians, masters, or mistresses.: To which is added, a letter from a lady (very curious) concerning the use and abuse of the marriage bed. With the author's answer thereto. [Six lines from Genesis]. n.p. [Boston]: London printed: re-printed at Boston, for John Phillips, and sold at his shop on the south side of the town-house., 1724., 1724.
2. Effects of Sexual Activity on Athletic Performance
3. Boys at Sea
4. Ho Hum, Another Work of the Devil