1. Bryant, Donald C. and Wallace, Karl R. 1969.Fundamentals of Public Speaking, 4th ed., 14New York: Appleton‐Century‐Crofts.
2. Wilson, John F. and Arnold, Carroll C. 1968.Public Speaking as a Liberal Art, 2nd ed., 19Allyn and Bacon.
3. Giffin, Kim and Patton, Bobby R., eds. 1971.Basic Readings in Interpersonal Communication, ixNew York: Harper and Row.
4. Keltner, John W. 1970.Interpersonal Speech‐Communication, 1032Belmont, California: Wads‐worth Publishing Company.
5. Giffin, Kim and Patton, Bobby R. 1971.Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication, 553New York: Harper and Row.