1. Action Contre la Faim (ACF). ‘Consequences of the Structurally Integrated UN Mission in Somalia on Principled Humanitarian Action and Access to Populations in Need.’ACF Case Study, Aug. 2015.
2. Al-Jazeera. ‘UN Peacekeepers Killed in Mali Base Attack.’ 12 Feb. 2016. www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/02/deadly-mali-attack-peacekeepers-160212095440611.html.
3. Amnesty International. ‘CAR: UN Troops Implicated in Rape of Girl and Indiscriminate Killings Must Be Investigated.’ 11 Aug. 2015. www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2015/08/car-un-troops-implicated-in-rape-of-girl-and-indiscriminate-killings-must-be-investigated.
4. The Trouble with the Congo