1. Department of Psychology, University of Exeter
Can the image-evoking value (I) of single words be used to predict the recall of grammatical units in which they occur? Thirty-two subjects free-recalled a list of 24 adjective-noun pairs varying in the I of the adjective and the noun, and the compatibility (C) of the pairing (i.e. whether or not the pair was immediately meaningful). Analysis showed all three variables to affect recall. High I adjectives facilitated recall irrespective of the I of the noun or the C of the pairing. Noun I and C facilitated recall only when both noun I was high and the pairing was compatible. An examination of intertrial repetitions failed to find evidence of organization in recall. Where only one word from a pair was recalled it tended to come from an incompatible pair, supporting the hypothesis that the recall of one word from an incompatible pair is less likely to cue recall of the other word than is the recall of one word from a compatible pair.
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