1. Adair, Douglas. Fame and the Founding Fathers: Essays of Douglass Adair. Edited by Trevor Colbourn. New York: W. W. Norton, 1974.
2. Adams, James T. Revolutionary New England, 1691–1776. Boston, MA: The Atlantic Monthly Press, 1923.
3. Adams, John. The Works of John Adams, Second President of the United States, Vol. 2. Boston, MA: Charles C. Little & James Brown, 1850.
4. Adams, John Quincy. The Social Compact: Exemplified in the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts … : lecture delivered at the Franklin Lyceum in November 25, 1842. Providence, RI: Knowles & Vose, 1842.
5. Adams, Randolph G. Political Ideas of the American Revolution. Durham, NC: Trinity College Press, 1922.