1. BL Cotton Aug. I.i, British Library, Cotton MS Augustus I.i, Portfolio of charts, plans and other diagrams: 35, 36, 38, 39, map of the south coast of Devon and Cornwall; 56, map of Orwell Haven
2. PRO E 101/60/3 Public Record Office, Exchequer, Accounts Various, ordnance and munitions in fortifications, 1536–40
3. SA MS 129 Society of Antiquaries of London, MS 129, inventory of the effects of Henry VIII
4. SA MS 795 Society of Antiquaries of London, MS 795, five folders of notes on artillery fortifications made by B. H. St J. O 'Neil
5. SRO D(W) 1778/III/01 Staffordshire Record Office, survey of the Isle of Wight, 1559