1. Interpreting the new museology
2. Archaeological Institute of America. “Lesson Plans: Excavation Projects,” http://www.archaeological.org/education/lessons/excavations (Boston: American Institute of Archaeology accessed October 23, 2011).
3. Although ICOM refers to accuracy only in its exhibitions section, the American code of ethics uses the generic term “intellectual integrity” when referring to programs, while both the Canadian and United Kingdom ethics documents make specific commitments to accuracy in public programming. International Council of Museums,ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums(Paris: ICOM, 2006), p. 8; American Association of Museums,Code of Ethics for Museums(Washington: AAM, 2000), p. 4; Sonja Tanner-Kaplash, et al.Ethics Guidelines(Ottawa: Canadian Museums Association, 2006), p. 5; Museums Association (UK),Code of Ethics for Museums: Ethical Principles for All Who Work for or Govern Museums in the UK(London: Museums Association 2008), p. 20.
4. Archaeological Institute of America, “Archaeology in the Classroom” http://www.archaeo-logical.org/education/lessons/simulateddigs (Boston: Archaeological Institute of America accessed November 30, 2011).