1. Department of Health. National Drug Policy for South Africa. Pretoria; 1996. Available http://www.doh.gov.za/docs/policy/drugsjan1996.pdf (Accessed 20/11/2007).
2. Council for Medical Schemes. 2006/2007 Annual Report. Available http://www.medicalschemes.com/publications/ZipPublications/Annual%20Reports/Annual_Report_2006-7_1.zip (Accessed 20/11/2007).
3. Republic of South Africa. Medical Schemes Act (No. 131 of 1998), as amended. Available http://www.medicalschemes.com/publications/ZipPublications/Acts%20and%20Regulations/MSACT19July2004.pdf (Accessed 20/11/2007).
4. Minister of Health. Amendment to the Regulations made in terms of the Medical Schemes Act, 1998 (No. 131 of 1998). Government Notice No. R.1397. Government Gazette No. 25537, 6 October 2003. Government Printer, Pretoria. Available http://www.medicalschemes.com/publications/ZipPublications/Acts%20and%20Regulations/Regulations%206%20October%202003.pdf (Accessed 20/11/2007).
5. Minister of Health. Regulations made in terms of the Medical Schemes Act, 1998 (No. 131 of 1998). Therapeutic Algorithms for Chronic Conditions. Notice No. 1110. Government Gazette No 27236, 11February 2005. Government Printer, Pretoria. Available http://www.medicalschemes.com/publications/ZipPublications/Acts%20and%20Regulations/Regulations%20therapeutic.pdf (Accessed 20/11/2007).