1. Being, having and belonging: values and ways of engaging in sport
2. Sensing the outdoors: a visual and haptic phenomenology of outdoor exercise embodiment
3. Bachelard, G. (1971). The poetics of reverie: Childhood, language, and the cosmos. In J. R. Stilgoe, (Ed.), La Poétique de la rêverie (p. 228). ISBN: 0807064130. Beacon Press. (Original work published 1960).
4. Bachelard, G. (1983). Water and dreams: An essay on the imagination of matter. In E. R. Farrell, J. H. Stroud & R. S. Dupree, (Eds.), L’Eau et les Rêves : Essai sur l’imagination de la matière (p. 216). Dallas Institute Publications. (Original work published 1942).
5. Bachelard, G. (1987). Psychoanalysis of fire. In A. C. M. Ross, J. R. Stilgoe, (Eds.), La Psychanalyse du feu (p. 128). Beacon Press. (Original work published 1938).