1. Analysis of Rainfall-Induced Debris Flows
2. Ashland , F.X. , 2003 . The feasibility of collecting accurate landslide-loss data in Utah . Salt Lake City , Utah : Utah Geological Survey Open-File Report 410.
3. Association of Bay Area Governments , 1997 . Bay Area Futures – Where will we live and work? Oakland, California : Association of Bay Area Governments Report 42 Available from: http://www.abag.ca.gov/planning/bayareafutures/ , accessed 25 November 2008 .
4. Brabb , E.E. and Pampeyan , E.H. , 1972 Preliminary map of landslide deposits in San Mateo County, California , Reston, Virginia U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-344, 1:62,500 scale.
5. Brabb , E.E . Pampeyan , E.H. , and Bonilla , M.G. , 1972 Landslide susceptibility in San Mateo County, California , Reston, Virginia . U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-360, 1:62,500 scale.