1. 1973. Presented, in part, before the XV International Conference on Coordination Chemistry. June1973, Moscow, USSR. see Proceedings Vol. 1, p. 285, No. IIi-43; and, in part, before the 8th Great Lakes Regional Meeting of the ACS, Lafayette, Ind., June, 1974; see Abstracts INORG No. 134
2. Supported by grants from Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, Ind., and the Indiana University Foundation
3. Metal complexes of the three sparteine diastereoisomers. Properties and reactivities of the copper(II) derivatives
4. Hydrolysis kinetics of (-)-sparteine-copper(II) halide
5. NSF Project STAR Participant, summer, 1974 with Thomas W. Williams; summer 1975 with Beth A. Bottos and Sandi Schwarzin