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2. Adorno, Theodor W. “Reflections on Class Theory [1942].” In Can One Live After Auschwitz? A Philosophical Reader, edited by Rolf Tiedemann and translated by Rodney Livingstone, 93–110. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2003.
3. Alloa, Emmanuel. “Transparency, Privacy Commons and Civil Inattention.” In Cultures of Transparency. Between Promise and Peril, edited by Stefan Berger, Susanne Fengler, Dimitrij Owetschkin, and Julia Sittmann, 171–192. London-New York: Routledge, 2021.
4. Alloa, Emmanuel, ed. This Obscure Thing Called Transparency: Politics and Aesthetics of a Contemporary Metaphor. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2022.
5. Reflections on Little Rock;Arendt Hannah.;Dissent,1959