1. Alexander, S.S., Dein, I. and Gold, D.P. “The Use of ERTS‐1 MSS Data for Mapping Strip Mines and Acid Mine Drainage in Pennsylvania”. Symposium on Significant Results Obtained From The Earth Resources Technology Satellite‐I. March3–51973, Maryland. pp.569–575. Goddard Space Flight Center. NASA Publication SP‐327
2. Amato, R.V., Russell, O.R. and Martin, K.R. “Application of EREP, landsat and aircraft image data to environmental problems related to coal mining”. Proceedings of the NASA Earth Resources Survey Symposium. Houston, Texas. Vol. I‐A, pp.309–327.
3. Anderson, A.T. “Evaluating the environmental effects of past and present surface mining: a remote sensing applied research review”. Proceedings: Fourteenth International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment. April, San Jose, Costa Rica. Vol. 1, pp.275–278. 23–30.