1. The scriptures from the Seventeen Tantras are cited from the three-volume edition published by Sanje Dorje (1973) in New Delhi, based on the Adzom Drukpa blocks.
2. GTG – The Tantra of Unimpeded Sound (rin po che ’byung bar byed pa sgra thal ’gyur chen po’i rgyud; vol. 1, 1-205).
3. KSD – The Tantra of Great Beauty and Auspiciousness (bkra shis mdzes ldan chen po’i rgyud; vol. 1, 207-32).
4. NPK – The Jewel Studded Tantra (nor bu phra bkod rang gi don thams cad gsal bar byed pa’i rgyud; vol. 2, 1-75).
5. LDG – The Six Spaces Tantra (kun tu bzang po klong drug pa’i rgyud; vol. 2, 111-214).