1. A. Weber: Theory of the Location of Industries (1909), trans, by C. J. Friedrich, Chicago, 1929; A. Lösch: The Economics of Location (2nd rev. ed.), trans. Wolfgang F. Stolper (New Haven, Conn., 1954); E. M. Hoover: The Location of Economic Activity (New York, 1948); M. L. Greenhut: Plant Location in Theory and Practice (Chapel Hill, N.C., 1956); and W. Isard: Location and Space Economy (Cambridge, Mass., 1956).
2. A Theoretical Framework for Geographical Studies of Industrial Location
3. Particularly as related to work done for J. H. Thompson, ed.: Geography of New York State (Syracuse, New York, 1966).
4. See, for further description of the law of industrial growth, E. B. Alderfer and H. E. Michl: Economics of American Industry (New York, 1957), Chap. 1.
5. See, for a discussion of transformation, C. P. Kindleberger: Economic Development, 2nd ed. (New York, 1965), Chap. 10.