William Harvey and art misplaced


Salman Phillips1


1. a Department of English , Cleveland State University , Cleveland, OH, 44115, U.S.A.


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History and Philosophy of Science

Reference41 articles.

1. Meyer , Arthur William . 1936.An Analysis of theDe generationeof William Harvey24–24. Palo Alto and London

2. Pagel , Walter . 1967.William Harvey's Biological Ideas31–47. Basel Charles B. Schmitt, ‘William Harvey and Renaissance Aristotelianism: A Consideration of the Preface toDe generatione animalium(1651)’ inReappraisals in Renaissance Thought, edited by Charles Webster (London, 1989), essay 6, p. 117.

3. Harvey , William . 1651.Exercitationes de generatione animaliumC2–v. London 17–18. I have used the translation of Gwenneth Whitteridge,Disputations Touching the Generation of Animals(Cambridge, 1959), as probably the most readily available, but with enough reservation silently to correct it when I thought necessary. My comparisons of the anonymous translation,Anatomical Exercitations, concerning the Generation of Living Creatures(London, 1653), and that of Robert Willis, M. D.Anatomical Exercise on the Generation of AnimalsinThe Works of William Harvey, M. D.(London, 1847), with the original suggest that their users need to read warily. All three tend to distort Harvey's careful prose. Citations follow quotations in my text. I give the Latin reference first and then the location in Whitteridge.

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