1. Whiteside , D.T. 1967–74.The Mathematical Papers of Isaac NewtonVol. VI, 25–25. Cambridge 8 vols note 80
2. Fauvel , John , Flood , Raymond , Shortland , Michael and Wilson , Robin , eds. 1988.Let Newton Be!3–3. Oxford
3. Newton , Isaac . 1968.The Mathematical Principles of Natural PhilosophyVol. II, 201–201. London 2 vols (translated from the Latin by Andrew Motte, 1729), facsimile reprint with Introduction by I. Bernard Cohen
4. Newton . 1968.The Mathematical Principles of Natural PhilosophyVol. I, iii–iii. London 2 vols (translated from the Latin by Andrew Motte, 1729), facsimile reprint with Introduction by I. Bernard Cohen Introduction