1. Berendt, Erich, et al. 2006. “English Loan Words of Japanese Elementary School Children”Asian Englishes8:2. 26–45.
2. Brill, Eric, Kacmarcik Gary, and Brockett Chris. “Automatically Harvesting Katakana-English Term Pairs from Search Engine Query Logs.” June 5, 2006. Found at research.Microsoft.com/~brill/Pubs/NLPRS200.pdf-
3. Mirsky, Steve. 2006. “For the birds” (An essay that describes Balmford's study relating to Pokemon terms),Scientific American295:1. 80.
4. Poke'mon URL. http://www/pokemon.com/flash.asp Click POKE'DEX. Accessed June 5, 2006. (Also a McDonald's Happy Meal Pokemon poster from somewhere given to my son on a flight to Hong Kong.)
5. Smith, Donald L. 2001. “Is English a Japanese Lexifier?”Asian Englishes4:2. 136–141.