1. Almy, Nellie Corinne. Children’s Experiences Prior to First Grade and Success in Beginning Reading, Contributions to Education No. 954. New York: Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1949. Pp. viii+124. Reviews related investigations and presents the results of a study involving 106 first-grade pupils to determine if progress in learning to read is positively related to their responses to opportunities for reading prior to first grade.
2. A Study of Certain Factors Presumed to be Associated with Reading and Speech Difficulties
3. Berelson, Bernard. The Library’s Public. New York: Columbia University Press, 1949. Pp. xx+174. Summarizes the findings of “some hundred” scientific studies under such headings as: book reading and the public library; who uses the library, and why, when and how much; and what further research is needed.