1. A correction procedure for metasomatism in an Archean greenstone belt
2. Blake, T.S. The lower Fortescue Group of the northern Pilbara craton: stratigraphy and palaeogeography. Seminar organized by the University of Western Australia, in cooperation with University Extension, University of Western Australia.Archaean and Proterozoic Basins of the Pilbara, Western Australia: Evolution and Mineralization Potential, Edited by: Muhling, J.R., Groves, D.I. and Blake, T.S. pp.123–143. In Publication No.9
3. Bristow, J.W., Armstrong, R.A. and Allsopp, H.L. Extensive high-temperature ash-flows of the Jozini Formation: Lebombo Mountains, South Africa (Abstract). Workshop on Pyroclastic Volcanism and Associated Deposits. Jan23–241987. pp.40–41. Pietermaritzburg: University of Natal.